Lawyer Neda Ljepojević Cvetković
Lawyer Neda Ljepojević Cvetković
Born on June 28, 1981, in Belgrade.
She completed the Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium and the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade (judicial course).
She has been a member of the Bar Association of Serbia since 2005. From 2007 to 2017 she worked in one of the leading corporate law offices in Serbia, first of all as Head of the Litigation Department, and later as Head of the HR Department. In 2012, she became a partner in the aforementioned office, and in 2017, together with the attorney Vojin Jovanović, founded VN Legal.
She has a particularly extensive experience in resolving problems in the field of labor law. In her practice, she has dealt with all aspects of human resources policy implementation in companies and resolving of all HR issues, with the emphasis on drafting all employer’s general and individual acts covering labor and legal issues, preparation and active participation in collective bargaining between employers and trade unions, as well as maintaining relations and communication with the trade unions.
She also has wide experience in the preparation, development and implementation of the redundancy programs, using different methodologies for resolving redundancies (including “voluntary” redudancies, redundancies based on a decision or a program, procedures with and without the application of measures for new employment – in particular part-time employment, employment with another employer or transfer to other job positions, procedures with and without applying the criteria for selection of redundant employees, etc.).
In addition, she has a wealth of experience in representing employers before courts in all types of labor disputes (especially disputes arising from redundancy procedures, as well as those arising from the termination of employment on other grounds, changes in contractual working conditions, discrimination and abuse at work, transformation of employment from fixed-term employment to indefinite employment, payments of salaries and other income, special protection of trade union representatives, etc.), as well as in administrative procedures before the Labor Inspectorate.
Apart from the field of labor relations, she has an enviable experience in the field of investment law, especially in complex commercial contracts and compensation of contractual and non-contractual, material and non-pecuniary damages.
She is a visiting lecturer in the human resources field at the Mokra Gora School of Management, as well as in a series of consultations, workshops and practical trainings in the field of labor relations, organized by Laura Konsalting d.o.o. Belgrade.
She is fluent in English (she holds a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English) and has a good command of the German language.
She has two children.